Steel double layer roll forming machine factory and suppliers | Haixing

Steel ob txheej yob txoj kev tshuab

Steel ob txheej yob txoj kev tshuab Featured duab
  • Steel ob txheej yob txoj kev tshuab

Luv hauj lwm:

Peb cog lus los tshawb nrhiav thiab tsim qhov kev lag luam rau ntau tshaj 20 xyoo, thiab peb productions yog lug siv nyob rau hauv lub vaj, factories, resorts, cov chaw ntiav pw, exhibition halls, so tebchaws, ancient architectures thiab niaj hnub villas.

khoom Nthuav dav

khoom cim npe

tsis ntawm  steel ob txheej yob txoj kev tshuab

1 Main lub cev muaj zog hwj chim 4kW, 3-theem los yog raws li koj thov
2 Hydraulic lub cev muaj zog hwj chim 3kW
3 Hydraulic siab 10-12MPa
4 voltage 380V / 3-theem / 50Hz (los yog raws li koj yuav tsum tau)
5 Control system PLC delta inverter
6 Mainframe 300 / 350mm H-beam los yog 350mm
7 Backboard thickness 16 hli
8 Saw loj 1 Nti
9 pub khoom xim hlau coils
10 noj thickness 0.3-0.8mm
11 noj dav 1000mm
12 Pib dav 840mm, 850mm
13 productivity 0-15 / min
14 Yob chaw nres tsheb 13 yob cov kauj ruam (raws li nyias tsim)
15 kev uas quav kab uas hla 70mm (nyob rau txawv tsim)
16 kev uas quav khoom 45 # steel
17 Cutter khoom Cr12
18 Kr-plating loj 0.05mm
19 Zuag qhia tag nrho loj 6800 * 1400 * 1150mm
20 Tag nrho cov hnyav 4.8 tons

Cov ntsiab lus uas:

1. Tus me nyuam: tsis pub dhau 60 hnub tom qab tau txais cov nyiaj.

2. Pob: export txheem pob rau lub thawv.

3. Kev Them Nqi: TT (30% los ntawm TT nyob rau hauv ua ntej, 70% los ntawm TT tom qab tshawb xyuas lub tshuab ua ntej tus me nyuam).

Peb cog lus los tshawb nrhiav thiab tsim qhov kev lag luam rau ntau tshaj 20 xyoo, thiab peb productions yog lug siv nyob rau hauv lub vaj, factories, resorts, cov chaw ntiav pw, exhibition halls, so tebchaws, ancient architectures thiab niaj hnub villas.


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